THN will tell us real news which have been exaggerated, understated or sarcasticisized. There might be made up speech by made up/real people. It also has a tinge of humour to it. So...
(Disclaimer: For fun, hope no harm done)
News: Tests over! Now ACE?!
After the recent test week, tests are now over. However, now is time to spam ACE. After the 5 day-long test week, now is a 1 day long ACE spamming. Many people found out that the ACE deadline is tomorrow only recently. There have been several feedback:
Student A---"What? I haven't even started on ACE yet!"
" B---"Woah, you must be joking..." (carries on to play halo)
Student C---"Lucky 'cheong' ace finish liao, June Holidays already do" (carries on to do some more ACE)
Teacher A---"No one hand up ACE yet... This week my inbox would be spammed." ( :( )
However after the smb message was posted:
Dear Boys,
It has come to my notice that some of you have not been able to hand in Term 3 ACE work on time for your teachers to grade. As such they will not be able to key in ACE marks for you next Monday. As this is the first year we're running the new ACE system, it has been decided that you will be allowed to submit ACE work to teachers, for subjects you've opted for this term, till next Friday (27 Aug 2010, 1330).
Your teachers will grade your work and only key in your marks in term 4.
Please do not impose on your teachers to mark what you submit after the deadlines they have set this term so as to get the marks entered next Monday.
Your submissions by next Friday will not be considered for exemption and will only be entered in Term 4. You can only submit ACE for subjects you have opted for Term 3.
Many people started to slack.
Student A: "Phew, mass halo time!"
Student B: "I told you it was a joke" (continues to play halo) "Yeah fuel rod gun"
Student C: "Zzzz... make me do all for nothing, time to relax!" (runs to do homework)
Teacher A: "Yeah, now got one more week to receive the spam mail"
Therefore, we can conclude that having the ACE deadline after tests is bad. :)
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Monday, August 2, 2010
I luv acronyms. You can form them in to some funny (or lame) phrase. For example, waka-waka. (Woah Apple Kick Apple, Wee Ain't Kicking Atrocious/Awesome.) And you can poke (Play On King's Elephant)fun with people acronym, like LA, language arts can become (Lol, Apple). Acronyms can also come from a random (Radio animation nonsense? Don't Overestimate eM') word. Sometimes, when i am reading through a book or getting bored, i think of a random word and form an acronym. ACRONYM. (Arcane Capturing Rod OF Never Yielding Mystery). :D
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Maths ACE
Yippee! Finally completed my Maths ACE. I took 3 days to do a flash and a website. Quite fast. :)
For the flash, i was quite frustrated halfway as something went wrong in the project, causing this problem-when I was copying something into a frame, it copied to the other frames too. To make matters worse, I only hae one layer (meaning everything is in one slideshow, like a powerpoint). This makes it hard to configure. I solved it in the end by changing the frames to keyframes and everything worked fine! I was elated then. :)
Next, I did my website. I did not want to start from scratch so I took my previous IS assignment a year before on my portfoilio. I did not need to quote it after all I did it and I was the one who copyrighted it. Yeah! Then sourcing the information was quick too. Here is the link:
For the flash, i was quite frustrated halfway as something went wrong in the project, causing this problem-when I was copying something into a frame, it copied to the other frames too. To make matters worse, I only hae one layer (meaning everything is in one slideshow, like a powerpoint). This makes it hard to configure. I solved it in the end by changing the frames to keyframes and everything worked fine! I was elated then. :)
Next, I did my website. I did not want to start from scratch so I took my previous IS assignment a year before on my portfoilio. I did not need to quote it after all I did it and I was the one who copyrighted it. Yeah! Then sourcing the information was quick too. Here is the link:
Monday, June 28, 2010
Whitewater Rafting @Kampar River
Yup, you got that right. During one of the days in my 2010 June holidays trip, I went whitewater rafting. So what is whitewater rafting? Why is it called whitewater? Whitewater is when the water currents splash against each other, causing this "white" colour. The boat is not a raft as what I previously thought, it is like a tug boat. At first, I was afraid that I will get seasick (though this is not in the sea), for I have motion sickness (carsickness, airsickness and seasickness) To my journey to Kampar River, I had carsickness, for the road was winding as it was heading to the countryside. As I journeyed my way down to the river, I was shocked. The river was bumpy, had ravines and is rocky too. (due to the low tide) However, before we began, our instructor teach us (our group and another group) on the safety precautions we had to take. We were each issued a helmet, lifejacket and an oar.
After wearing them on, we started. The first ravine was a double drop, and we got ourselves wet. But that was the least of our troubles, we were almost flung out of the boat, I slipped and fall forward, and so did my brother. Luckily, our helmet prevented us from getting hurt. We continued rafting and rafting. Sometimes, our boat would get stuck against the rock, and we all had to shift to one side and start moving about. After a few more ravines and some rafting, we were told to get off the boat. Then, we had to lie back and float along with the current. It was frightening at first, but soon, it was quite fun lying back, knowing you cannot touch the ground. Luckily, the lifejacket kept us buoyant. Then, our guides "parked" our boats along the seabanks, and we rest along the river. My brother and I was splashing about the water, swimming with our lifejackets and trying to swim against the current. My parents were sieving the sand hoping to find tin (there was an ex-tin mining area, but was closed due to its low value). To their amazement, they did find lots of tin. Shiny... Looks like silver. Maybe they are...
Soon, we boarded our boat and started rafting to the end. Sighs... Our trip had ended. Luckily, we had some delicious food from the hotel to end our journey! Mmmmhmm, lunch... Western with BBQ and tomato sauce :D
Rainbow Death
America did not foresee
Green, pink, purple and other colors death potpourri!
Expecting others to pay a high price.
Now thinking twice?
Toll on the innocent and unborn.
Omnipotent and disregarding who will mourn.
Reflective about all the illness, birth defects and prematurely dead.
All the deceit continues to spread.
Nefariously America led astray -
Generations untold WILL pay -
Execrable effects of agent orange spray!
Hubert Wilson
Background information:
"Rumors persist of still another more toxic color coded herbicide at the end of this deadly rainbow!
I am a Vietnam War veteran (as are my four brothers) who served in the USAF Security Service. I, along with a dozen or so intelligence school grads, prepped for about 14 months at Kelly AFB in San Antonio, Texas, before anticipating being sent to Vietnam or elsewhere in southeat Asia in 1970. About half ended up in Da Nang (an Agent Orange hotspot) in the 6924th Security Squadron. The rest of us were assigned to Shemya Island, Alaska, with the 6984th Security Squadron, and what eventually was a MORE contaminated environment than Da Nang!
My health problems started approximately 15 years ago with unexplained headaches and limb pains. Four years ago my central nervous system radically deteriorated with Parkinsonian type tremors, severe headaches, progressive limb pains, etc. No physician has ever diagnosed the specific illness. NO VA physician has ever rendered ANY medical assistance! My number one educated guess is the heavily contaminated drinking water at Shemya during my year there as an intelligence analyst. Organo-phosphate toxins may not run their toxic course until 20 to 30 years after initial exposure.
Since my brain still functions moderately well (and I have mobility issues), I have turned to writing just like my late Father and the late singer (and writer) Johnny Cash."
Hubert Wilson.
1. Point of View(Evidence): The poet is writing in the point of view about recounting on the horrors of this herbicidal war.
Point of View(Elaboration): He recounts the damage brought by herbicidal warfare. The poet says how dangerous this herbicidal weapon is, how it deforms people.
2.Situation and setting(Evidence):The situation is when a herbicide war breaks out and lots of people are deformed and killed. Not only the soldiers are hurt, but the innocent are too.
Situation and setting(Elaboration): Not only the soliders are hurt, but the innocent are too. This shows how merciless the people are, how many innocent lifes they have taken, hurt, physically or mentally.
3. Language and diction(Evidence): There is a ABABAB rhyme scheme, imagery, personification and sarcasm.
Langyage and diction(Elaboration):For the rhyme scheme, there is a ABABAB format, imagery is in the forms of the colours, personification is when America is able to "foresee", in the first line. For sarcasm, "America did not foresee" which contradicts with "Now thinking twice".
4.Personal response: War should be not carried out, no matter in herbicide, weaponry, nuclear or whatever harm. All these share a commonality, they bring harm to us. Have you ever heard of a war, which did not hurt any one. Even the "cold war", silence is eerie and hurts emotionally the victims. War, big scale, small scale, world wide, country scale or even a town scale should be avoided.
Green, pink, purple and other colors death potpourri!
Expecting others to pay a high price.
Now thinking twice?
Toll on the innocent and unborn.
Omnipotent and disregarding who will mourn.
Reflective about all the illness, birth defects and prematurely dead.
All the deceit continues to spread.
Nefariously America led astray -
Generations untold WILL pay -
Execrable effects of agent orange spray!
Hubert Wilson
Background information:
"Rumors persist of still another more toxic color coded herbicide at the end of this deadly rainbow!
I am a Vietnam War veteran (as are my four brothers) who served in the USAF Security Service. I, along with a dozen or so intelligence school grads, prepped for about 14 months at Kelly AFB in San Antonio, Texas, before anticipating being sent to Vietnam or elsewhere in southeat Asia in 1970. About half ended up in Da Nang (an Agent Orange hotspot) in the 6924th Security Squadron. The rest of us were assigned to Shemya Island, Alaska, with the 6984th Security Squadron, and what eventually was a MORE contaminated environment than Da Nang!
My health problems started approximately 15 years ago with unexplained headaches and limb pains. Four years ago my central nervous system radically deteriorated with Parkinsonian type tremors, severe headaches, progressive limb pains, etc. No physician has ever diagnosed the specific illness. NO VA physician has ever rendered ANY medical assistance! My number one educated guess is the heavily contaminated drinking water at Shemya during my year there as an intelligence analyst. Organo-phosphate toxins may not run their toxic course until 20 to 30 years after initial exposure.
Since my brain still functions moderately well (and I have mobility issues), I have turned to writing just like my late Father and the late singer (and writer) Johnny Cash."
Hubert Wilson.
1. Point of View(Evidence): The poet is writing in the point of view about recounting on the horrors of this herbicidal war.
Point of View(Elaboration): He recounts the damage brought by herbicidal warfare. The poet says how dangerous this herbicidal weapon is, how it deforms people.
2.Situation and setting(Evidence):The situation is when a herbicide war breaks out and lots of people are deformed and killed. Not only the soldiers are hurt, but the innocent are too.
Situation and setting(Elaboration): Not only the soliders are hurt, but the innocent are too. This shows how merciless the people are, how many innocent lifes they have taken, hurt, physically or mentally.
3. Language and diction(Evidence): There is a ABABAB rhyme scheme, imagery, personification and sarcasm.
Langyage and diction(Elaboration):For the rhyme scheme, there is a ABABAB format, imagery is in the forms of the colours, personification is when America is able to "foresee", in the first line. For sarcasm, "America did not foresee" which contradicts with "Now thinking twice".
4.Personal response: War should be not carried out, no matter in herbicide, weaponry, nuclear or whatever harm. All these share a commonality, they bring harm to us. Have you ever heard of a war, which did not hurt any one. Even the "cold war", silence is eerie and hurts emotionally the victims. War, big scale, small scale, world wide, country scale or even a town scale should be avoided.
Children in the Darkness
There are children in the darkness
Who have not seen the light
There are children in the darkness
Who someone will teach to fight
Chalk and blackboards will not be
To this door there is no key
From this life they can not flee
And these children are not free
Could we simply light a candle
Could we give them half a chance
Could we teach them how to read
Could we teach them how to dance
Or will a war consume them
Their body and their soul
Will their life and blood be poured
Down some endless thirsty hole
Back into the darkness
From which there is no flight
Back into the darkness
Into which there shines no light
Henry M Bechtold
Background: He was in Vietnam in 1967 - 68 and again in 1969. He would go back often because he believed soul lives in Vietnam and he went back to visit it from time to time.
He was sitting in his hotel room in Saigon just before Christmas 2009 and he was trying to write a poem about the girls who work in the park and how badly men treat them. he was angry but unable to write anything that did not sound trite or weak. He looked at the TV and the news was on. He did not know what the news reader was saying but in the background was a photo of a small boy with a helmet and an automatic rifle. This poem flowed out. The words just came to me and he typed as fast as I could to get it all down.
Poem Analysis
1. Point of View(Evidence): The poet did not support child soldiers. First paragraph.
2. Point of View (Elaboration): The poet feels that the children should enjoy childhood and not army. Army when involved in a war is violent. And so, this child has to face the violence of war, the horrors of war, at such a young age. In the poem, he expresses sympathy and pity for the child soldiers, for they "can not flee" and are "not free".
3. Situation and Setting (Evidence): "Chalk" and "blackboard" are turned into "war", "blood" and "darkness". This shows that the author compares this two different contexts.
4. Situation and Setting (Elaboration): "Chalk" and "blackboard" are essential learning materials, which what one would associate with learning and education. "War", "blood" and "darkness" are gory things which one would connect with war. This two are, however, brought up and made comparison to. This shows that what the author thinks, that the child should study and be educated and not be faced with violence, which are corrupting the child's mind.
5. Language/ Diction (Evidence) : There is the usage of figurative language. The word darkness is a symbol of the children at such a young age losing their lifes due to war. War is personified as a man who can "consume" "their body and thier soul".
6. Language/ Diction ( Elaboration ) : The authors use of figurative language emphasises and prompts the reader to think more about child soldiers.
7. Personal Response : I feel there should be no child soldiers to protect the country. Instead, there should not even be war. War terrorizes us, bringing horrors to our lives, and taking away some too.
Who have not seen the light
There are children in the darkness
Who someone will teach to fight
Chalk and blackboards will not be
To this door there is no key
From this life they can not flee
And these children are not free
Could we simply light a candle
Could we give them half a chance
Could we teach them how to read
Could we teach them how to dance
Or will a war consume them
Their body and their soul
Will their life and blood be poured
Down some endless thirsty hole
Back into the darkness
From which there is no flight
Back into the darkness
Into which there shines no light
Henry M Bechtold
Background: He was in Vietnam in 1967 - 68 and again in 1969. He would go back often because he believed soul lives in Vietnam and he went back to visit it from time to time.
He was sitting in his hotel room in Saigon just before Christmas 2009 and he was trying to write a poem about the girls who work in the park and how badly men treat them. he was angry but unable to write anything that did not sound trite or weak. He looked at the TV and the news was on. He did not know what the news reader was saying but in the background was a photo of a small boy with a helmet and an automatic rifle. This poem flowed out. The words just came to me and he typed as fast as I could to get it all down.
Poem Analysis
1. Point of View(Evidence): The poet did not support child soldiers. First paragraph.
2. Point of View (Elaboration): The poet feels that the children should enjoy childhood and not army. Army when involved in a war is violent. And so, this child has to face the violence of war, the horrors of war, at such a young age. In the poem, he expresses sympathy and pity for the child soldiers, for they "can not flee" and are "not free".
3. Situation and Setting (Evidence): "Chalk" and "blackboard" are turned into "war", "blood" and "darkness". This shows that the author compares this two different contexts.
4. Situation and Setting (Elaboration): "Chalk" and "blackboard" are essential learning materials, which what one would associate with learning and education. "War", "blood" and "darkness" are gory things which one would connect with war. This two are, however, brought up and made comparison to. This shows that what the author thinks, that the child should study and be educated and not be faced with violence, which are corrupting the child's mind.
5. Language/ Diction (Evidence) : There is the usage of figurative language. The word darkness is a symbol of the children at such a young age losing their lifes due to war. War is personified as a man who can "consume" "their body and thier soul".
6. Language/ Diction ( Elaboration ) : The authors use of figurative language emphasises and prompts the reader to think more about child soldiers.
7. Personal Response : I feel there should be no child soldiers to protect the country. Instead, there should not even be war. War terrorizes us, bringing horrors to our lives, and taking away some too.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Children in the Darkness
There are children in the darkness
Who have not seen the light
There are children in the darkness
Who someone will teach to fight
Chalk and blackboards will not be
To this door there is no key
From this life they can not flee
And these children are not free
Could we simply light a candle
Could we give them half a chance
Could we teach them how to read
Could we teach them how to dance
Or will a war consume them
Their body and their soul
Will their life and blood be poured
Down some endless thirsty hole
Back into the darkness
From which there is no flight
Back into the darkness
Into which there shines no light
Henry M Bechtold
Task 1
He was in Vietnam in 1967 - 68 and again in 1969. He would go back often because he believed soul lives in Vietnam and he went back to visit it from time to time.
He was sitting in his hotel room in Saigon just before Christmas 2009 and he was trying to write a poem about the girls who work in the park and how badly men treat them. he was angry but unable to write anything that did not sound trite or weak. He looked at the TV and the news was on. He did not know what the news reader was saying but in the background was a photo of a small boy with a helmet and an automatic rifle. This poem flowed out. The words just came to me and he typed as fast as I could to get it all down.
Task 2
The first stanza is the perspective of an adult looking at a child. The children have been kept in the darkness, kept away from all the horrors and answers, not knowing and nonchalant to anything. This is written when he is feeling how unfairly treated the children are. Towards the end of stanza one , he displays a sign of hope for the children. "Who someone will teach them how to fight" meaning that they can stand for themselves. However this could also mean that instead of going to school, the children are now learning to fight, not education. This will be elaborated on the second stanza.
The second stanza is now in the point of view of a child. The first line states that learning is not everything, you have to defend yourselves, evident from "Chalk and blackboards will not be", chalk and blackboard are the essential toools for studying but now they are no longer needed. "To this door there is no key" reinstates the plight the children are in how they cannot escape from it. "From this life they can not flee And these children are not free" sows that children have no freedom, and cannot escape from the plight they are in.
Stanza three has a rhetorical device- "could we starting every line". This displays a sign of hope for the children, could they finally be broken away from the plight, could they be learning again ? This gives the reader a sense of hope for the children.
The stanza four is a constrats to the stanza three. It depicts the horrors the children might be facing. Overexxageration is used, "will a war consume them
Their body and their soul" and "Will their life and blood be poured
Down some endless thirsty hole" this to emphasise the effect.
The last stanza, stanza five is a conclusive one to the whole poem. The children might either have hope, or have little hope.
Who have not seen the light
There are children in the darkness
Who someone will teach to fight
Chalk and blackboards will not be
To this door there is no key
From this life they can not flee
And these children are not free
Could we simply light a candle
Could we give them half a chance
Could we teach them how to read
Could we teach them how to dance
Or will a war consume them
Their body and their soul
Will their life and blood be poured
Down some endless thirsty hole
Back into the darkness
From which there is no flight
Back into the darkness
Into which there shines no light
Henry M Bechtold
Task 1
He was in Vietnam in 1967 - 68 and again in 1969. He would go back often because he believed soul lives in Vietnam and he went back to visit it from time to time.
He was sitting in his hotel room in Saigon just before Christmas 2009 and he was trying to write a poem about the girls who work in the park and how badly men treat them. he was angry but unable to write anything that did not sound trite or weak. He looked at the TV and the news was on. He did not know what the news reader was saying but in the background was a photo of a small boy with a helmet and an automatic rifle. This poem flowed out. The words just came to me and he typed as fast as I could to get it all down.
Task 2
The first stanza is the perspective of an adult looking at a child. The children have been kept in the darkness, kept away from all the horrors and answers, not knowing and nonchalant to anything. This is written when he is feeling how unfairly treated the children are. Towards the end of stanza one , he displays a sign of hope for the children. "Who someone will teach them how to fight" meaning that they can stand for themselves. However this could also mean that instead of going to school, the children are now learning to fight, not education. This will be elaborated on the second stanza.
The second stanza is now in the point of view of a child. The first line states that learning is not everything, you have to defend yourselves, evident from "Chalk and blackboards will not be", chalk and blackboard are the essential toools for studying but now they are no longer needed. "To this door there is no key" reinstates the plight the children are in how they cannot escape from it. "From this life they can not flee And these children are not free" sows that children have no freedom, and cannot escape from the plight they are in.
Stanza three has a rhetorical device- "could we starting every line". This displays a sign of hope for the children, could they finally be broken away from the plight, could they be learning again ? This gives the reader a sense of hope for the children.
The stanza four is a constrats to the stanza three. It depicts the horrors the children might be facing. Overexxageration is used, "will a war consume them
Their body and their soul" and "Will their life and blood be poured
Down some endless thirsty hole" this to emphasise the effect.
The last stanza, stanza five is a conclusive one to the whole poem. The children might either have hope, or have little hope.
Monday, March 22, 2010
New story
Stop bugging me with the question , what can I do . What can i do What can i do , of course i must study . I must admit I have been slacking for the past term , and thus my results have deproved ? But that is not the only reason. There are some reasons like what care have you show me , when my results have deproved what have you done ? Scold me chide me . This have hurt my morale and thus caused me not to be able to study properly. When I was young , you both will always scold me when i do badly , i resisted and resisted until there came the day where i could not take it. Stupid Dumb vulgarities came spewing out like hot water , burning me emotionally with it . Like today , I was wanting to complete my notes and do some revision on to kill a mockingbird until this came up . And of course , I thank you all for all the wonderful things you did for me. Please I exaggerated a little . And please chill.
Ok this is an example of a stress out child having low msg. What do you think about him? I think he should reflect on himself and perhaps find fault and solve it. Exaggerated a little , i think it is making a mountain out of a molehill. At least he said his parents did a good job evident from the second last line.
Saturday, March 6, 2010
End of Blog for now
Yeah i am closing my blog for the March Holidays , but I will be back after that ! Do lookout and thanks for visiting !
Monday, March 1, 2010
Befriend in Mockingbird
I would like to befriend Scout as Scout has many positive characteristics . She is adventurous , innocent , playful etc . Like the Boo Radley play , and the Boo Radley incidents , where she was both adventurous and playful . Adventurous being the day where she and Jem tried to see Boo through the shutters and went in to his house , when they heard the sound of the shotgun and they quickly ran out . Then there was a time were the crowd was about to lynch Tom Robinson and Atticus Finch and Mr Underwood was protecting him . Scout was brave to tell Mr Cunningham , one of the crowd to call of the crowd .
Sunday, February 28, 2010
IT week Map of Maycomb County
- Maycomb, some twenty miles east of Finch's Landing, was the county seat of Maycomb County. (4)
- Mrs. Henry Lafayette Dubose's house, two doors to the north … (6)
- … the Radley Place three doors to the south. (11)
- Jem and I heard something next door in Miss Rachel Haverford's collard patch. (6)
- Routine contentment was improving our treehouse that rested between giant twin chinaberry trees in the back yard, fussing running through our list of dramas … (8)
- The Radley place jutted into a sharp curve beyond our house. Walking south, one faced its front porch; the sidewalk turned and ran beside the lot. (8)
- The Maycomb school grounds adjoined the back of the Radley lot. (9)
- From the Radley chickenyard, tall pecan trees shook their fruits into the schoolyard. (9)
- … the longer he would stand hugging the lightpole on the corner. (12)
- They left the corner, crossed the side street that ran in front of the Radley house, and stopped at the gate. (15)
- Jem and I were leavin’...He pointed across the street. At first we saw nothing but a kudzu-covered front porch, but a closer inspection revealed an arc of water descending from the leaves and splashing in the yellow circle of the streetlight,...Jem said Mr. Avery misfigured. (p. 31)
- Two live oaks stood at the end of the Radley lot. (33)
- Cecil Jacobs, who lived at the far end of our street next door to the post office, walked a total of one mile per school day to avoid the Radley place and old Mrs. Lafayette Dubose. (35)
- We had strolled to the front yard, where Dill stood looking down the street at the dreary face of the Radley Place. (36)
- The tire bumped on the gravel and skeered across the road to the Radley's place. (37)
- Every Christmas Uncle Jack yelled across the street to Miss Maudie to come marry him. (43)
- ...Jem and I edged down the sidewalk parallel to the side of the house. (48)
- We leaped over the wall that separated Miss Rachel's yard from our driveway. (50)
- Mr. Avery boarded across the street from Mrs. Henry Lafayette Dubose's house. (50)
- We ran across the schoolyard, crawled under the fence to the Deer's Pasture behind their house, climbed our back fence, and were at the back steps [of our house] … (p 54)
- There he was returning to me. His white shirt bobbed over the back fence. (p. 57)
- Jem hopped across the front yard. . . . When we were on the sidewalk in front of Miss Maudie's house Mr. Avery accosted us (65)
- Jem and I slid across the street. Miss Maudie was staring at the smoking in her yard. (71)
- Mrs. Dubose lived alone except for a Negro girl in constant attendance, two doors up the street from us in a house with steep front and a dog-trot hall. (99)
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Chinese New Year
Happy Chinese New Year ! Have fun during Chinese New Year ? Enjoyed the goodies and
ang pao money ? I certainly did ! Let me share with you the Chinese New Year experience ! Basically , my family went to our relatives house , had fun , eat , take ang pow , yeah .... Lols probably the same as majority of the people . XD
During this Chinese New Year , it could be said to be "peaceful". No fires due to firecrackers , or not that i know of ... No fights , no gambling cases ...
However , people still tend to take ang pao money for granted , seemingly to be the noly thing that matters during Chinese New Year . There is plenty more than that , the food , the visiting , the drinks , the new clothes .
So as Chinese People , I feel that we should uphold our customs , unique , and never be forgotten . Chinese New Year is fun ! Dong dong qiang ...
Monday, February 1, 2010
Mediatech is a CCA which specializes in AV, photography and videography. First of all, I am proud to be a Mediatechian. Even though many people call is a " slacker " CCA , i do not find it slacking at all. It is all the back stage work. Have you ever wondered the lights effect that you like to see , blink blink blink boomz shingz waa... Mediatech :) . Have you ever noticed why you speak in the microphone, the voice can travels all the way to the speaker? And even one of the simplest of all, have you ever wondered who opens the auditorium in the first place?
So, this proves my point that Mediatech is NOT a slack CCA. Sure you do not have to run about like Cross-Country, or like Wushu or Judo, fight with each other. This is for the people who enjoys taking photos, videos and doing AV.
One of the best things in Mediatech is that you can do duties which you are not supposed to be there. Like once, I was videoing an assembly talk which involved many other schools. It was an eye-opener, i learned how to take videos and I also "interacted" with other people. Lols, I do not know how. Tomorrow, I am going for a Council Investiture which as not a Council member, I am not invited to. But i still can go, Yippee!
Too bad Leoj did not join Mediatech. He joined Library as he likes books. Well, everyone likes something. FREEZE OR I WILL SHOOT!
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Story time!
A father had just bought a new car, he was gleaming happily about it. Everyday, he would drive to work in his car, and everyday he would drive back from work.
One day, his son was carving something on his father's car. "Hehehehehehehehe... Dad would love this!"
His father was really mad (like Leoj when he was shot in the face, or if he was) when he saw his car.
"My car... What did you do to my car! I'll... I'll kill you!"
His father then used the knife and cut his son hand. (Sounds bloody... Luckily it was just the fingers...)
His son was crying, and his father felt guilty. After all it was just a car. After he had bandaged his son, he went back to the car to inspect the damage. His son wrote, "I Love Dad."
P.S. Leoj is a fictitious character. He is supposed to be someone really tall, and it is for fun. :)
Did this ever happened to you? You meant something good to happen and in the end what you got was unfavourable. 好心没好报。You do good things and it turned out to be undesirable. It certainly did happen to Leoj. Poor Leoj. Now he is crying, he had lent some mousehunt ( a game)
gold to a friend and the friend did not return back. Quite a hefty sum too. Sighs... Poor Leoj. Now he will never lend anyone mousehunt gold again. (Did not really happen... Just for fun :D)
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