Friday, February 27, 2009

Narratives and Graphics-my connection

Yesterday, my class was split into groups according to their learning preferences. We had to arrange a set of pictures accordingly. My group was the visual group and we had to put together the pictures of Zoom, a visual book.

After this activity, I found a connection between narratives and graphics. Narratives and graphics can be used interchangeably. They also can be used together, like the novels for young children. This comes with the good points and bad points. The good point is that the book is able to convey the story in a more detailed form---"a picture can say a thousand words", meaning the picture shows us a more detailed explanation of the story, for example the book named "Zoom". The book will also keep the reader enthralled in reading the book. For example, some people would prefer to read a story in comics. However, the bad thing is that as the story is more detailed, it may give readers a more horrifying experience for example in a murder story, if the process of the murder is shown in pictures, and it may be gruesome.

Anyway, my top 3 learning preferences which I found out from taking a test at , are 1 and 2, which are of the same value, Visual/Spatial(Picture Smart) and Logical(Number Smart), and Intrapersonal(Myself Smart).

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

My Reading Habits

My reading habits starts when I was very young, at around three. It was only till I was six when I started reading novels. I read a variety of books, namely the Nancy Drew series, the Hardy Boys series etc. Although my father had to read with me then, I still enjoyed the books.

As I grow up, I started to read books myself. At that time, when I picked up the book, I will not be able to pot it down until I read it finish, which is about three hours. I must have a quiet environment before I could start reading, if not, I will not be able to concentrate. When I reached Primary 5, I have read finish the entire Nancy Drew series!

Now, my preference of books have changed. The teachers in my school will require us to buy some books for literature, for example Nothing But The Truth. This books are quite interesting, however I still prefer reading it for fun and not having to understand so deeply and memorise the things in the book for a literature test. Thus, I have no choice but to read these books. However, if I have free time, I will read educational magaszines too, like Reader's Digest. This magazine also gives examples of real-life stories. IT is also more interactive in the sense that it has word puzzles too.

My motto: If you are not enjoying the book, put it away. There is just too much good literature and too many great reading choices to struggle with something that is not satisfying. :P

Want to see a few books that I read, check out my electronic bookshelf at

Monday, February 23, 2009

Why Did I Do It? (Pt. of view of Philip Malloy from Nothing But the Truth-Last page)

Why did I do this? Why Philip Malloy, why? I have done more harm than good. In fact, I did not think I have done any thing good. Although many people from around the world have sent telegrams to spur me on, it is because they do not know the truth. Miss Narwin, the teacher who suspended me, also received so much infamity from all over the world, saying how "unpatriotic" she was. She had so much pressure on to the extent of even wanting to resign!

The fact is although I stood up for myself and many people are supporting me, I still do not feel happy. Although I got rid of Miss Narwin in the end, I just do not feel happy. I now start to doubt myself that I was right in the first place. My friends from Harrison School were also blaming me for ruining the reputation of Miss Narwin, for some of them liked her. I had also caused so much trouble for my parents. They have spent so much time and effort on it, fighting for me. However, now, they had all come to a waste. In the end, I still had to change the school which I was studying in. Now, when I am being asked to sing the "Star-Spangled Banner", I have to confess that I did not know the lyrics. All of these could have been avoided if I had not hummed during the "Star-Spangled Banner". If only...