Saturday, March 28, 2009

Confessions of a......

Confessions of a... A what? You probably be dying to find out what is it. Well, it is a TV-gamer. Ha! Nothing confidential. Anyway, how did I become a TV-gamer? Well, I was "experimenting" with my tv when I found that it contains some games.
I played it and soon began to like it. The screen was much bigger than any other screen I played on and thus, it feels like you are really the character in it. Although the computer games are more fun than the TV games, I prefer TV games as I can play it when I want to, and it is more accessible and convenient as you do not have to load it or fight with the overwhelming online users.
In addition, you also feel like you are in a much more high-tech world as you are using a remote control to control your character and not your mouse, thus is like a very new “wireless technology”.
To access these games, you must be subscribed to starhub cable tv. Then, go to the “games” button and you will see “Loading… Please wait” After that, you can choose the games you want to play, but be careful, some is not free… Go to those which you think are free. Then, you will be able to keep on playing non-stop without a time limit!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Differentiated assignment

Intrapersonal---Philip refuses to accept that he is to blame. He is bitter at having to transfer to another school that doesn’t even have a track team. Philip decides to plead his case to Coach Jamison. He is not contrite and this should come through.

----------------------------Letter to Coach Jamison---------------------------Dear Coach Earl Jamison,

I am Philip Malloy, now at Washington Academy. I was the one who came to see you about joining the track team, but could not, as I got an "D" for English. I also was the one who sang "The Star-Spangled Banner", and got Miss Narwin into trouble.
I regret transferring to Washington Academy, as it does not even have a track team. Although there might be no Miss Narwin, life is still terrible there. I wish to come back to Harrison School, as I miss my friends, teachers, especially the track team!
However, much as I want to go back to Harrison School, I am still not sorry for Miss Narwin. It is her own fault for being in this situation, not mine! I do not know why people keep saying it is my fault, and I certainly do not find her a fair teacher.
I feel that I should be accepted as I have a completely clean record, besides the Miss Narwin case. I also have been doing fairly well for my studies, "A" for Maths, "B" in Biology, "C" in History and "B" in health.
Thank you for taking your time to read this. I really hope you can look into this matter and bring me back to Harrison School.

Yours faithfully,
Philip Malloy

Friday, March 6, 2009

Summary of Jan and Feb

Hi everybody once again! It is coming to be the end of the first term! Holidays are approaching... But I still have a camp befire that. 1)Likes and dislikes about blogging
Welll, blogging is quite fun as you can type what you want. People can also get to read it. It is so-called "environmental friendly", as it does not require a pen or paper. It also allows pictures to be paced in the blog. In addition, blogging allows viewers to comment on it.However, the troublesome thing is that you have to on the computer to blog. If you write in a diary, you can easily just simply write it!

2) How this whole process could be improved
It would be useful if there were such a device whereby whenever you want to publish something on the blog, you just have to think about it.
3)Tie-in of your reading habits/elecctronic bookshelf(posted on my previous blog post)
The electronic bookshelf was quite useful as it allows me to share with others the books that I read and at the same time remember what books I had read. I also can review on the books and the best of all...IT'S FREE! By the way, I read a new book entitled "Unexplained Mysteries of World War II.