Tuesday, February 24, 2009

My Reading Habits

My reading habits starts when I was very young, at around three. It was only till I was six when I started reading novels. I read a variety of books, namely the Nancy Drew series, the Hardy Boys series etc. Although my father had to read with me then, I still enjoyed the books.

As I grow up, I started to read books myself. At that time, when I picked up the book, I will not be able to pot it down until I read it finish, which is about three hours. I must have a quiet environment before I could start reading, if not, I will not be able to concentrate. When I reached Primary 5, I have read finish the entire Nancy Drew series!

Now, my preference of books have changed. The teachers in my school will require us to buy some books for literature, for example Nothing But The Truth. This books are quite interesting, however I still prefer reading it for fun and not having to understand so deeply and memorise the things in the book for a literature test. Thus, I have no choice but to read these books. However, if I have free time, I will read educational magaszines too, like Reader's Digest. This magazine also gives examples of real-life stories. IT is also more interactive in the sense that it has word puzzles too.

My motto: If you are not enjoying the book, put it away. There is just too much good literature and too many great reading choices to struggle with something that is not satisfying. :P

Want to see a few books that I read, check out my electronic bookshelf at weread.com.

1 comment:

  1. I think a number of students were looking for a happy ending in "Nothing But the Truth." Right from the beginning, you knew, or should have known, that this one was doomed to tragedy. Mr. S
